- The centre has facilities for day care surgeries and facilities for surgeries under general anesthesia.
- We are proud to flaunt 4 fully equipped state of the art Operation theatres with AHU.
- World class equipment from USA & Germany providing cutting edge technology.
- Zeiss ReLEx SMILE
- B<eneo 317
- B&L Zywave III (Wavefront, Orbscan)
- Constellation(Alcon)-the most advanced VR surgery system for sutureless MIVS.
- IOL Master (Zeiss) for spectacle independence after cataract surgery
- Highest standards of sterility are maintained with stringent infection control practices.
- We have a fully equipped recovery ward with all facilities for prompt resuscitation and recovery.
- Care is provided by an experienced and trained team of surgeons, anesthetists and nurses.